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Man and Superman

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Book Code: 1111006389255

George Bernard Shaw

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"Man and Superman," a four-act drama penned in 1903, emerged as Bernard Shaw's response to queries about why he hadn't tackled the Don Juan theme in his plays. It rightfully holds its place as Shaw's magnum opus. The story revolves around John Tanner, a young man with progressive ideas, navigating a world of conventional conformity. The central theme explores the futility of modern ideas and progressive thinking when confronted by the social norms of contemporary society. Shaw uses the character of Ann, a seemingly naive young woman, to illustrate his belief that women often drive men to marry them, contrary to traditional gender roles.



George Bernard Shaw (1856 – 1950), who insisted on being called Bernard Shaw, was an Irish playwright, critic, polemicist, and political activist. His profound influence on Western theatre, culture, and politics spanned from the 1880s well past his death. He authored over sixty plays, including renowned works like Man and Superman (1902), Pygmalion (1913), and Saint Joan (1923). Shaw's dramatic repertoire covered contemporary satire and historical allegory, establishing him as the foremost dramatist of his era. In recognition of his contributions, he received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1925.



TO ARTHUR BINGHAM WALKLEY ............................................... 7
ACT - I ............................................................................................... 38
ACT - II ............................................................................................. .85
ACT - III ........................................................................................... 110
ACT - IV ........................................................................................... 183
THE REVOLUTIONIST’S HANDBOOK .......................................  216
MAXIMS FOR REVOLUTIONISTS .............................................. .251








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